The Feminist Gender Equality Network (FGEN) expects members to communicate with each other in a friendly, considerate and respectful manner. Accountability is taken seriously by FGEN, and we reserve the right to exclude members who fall short of these expectations.
Should code of conduct breaches arise in a way that is not readily resolvable, members should privately raise the issue with co-chairs in the first instance. Issues raised with the co-chair will be addressed in a context responsive way.
Members are expected not to make prejudiced comments or engage in offensive behaviour related to gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, age, race, national origin, ethnic origin, nationality, immigration status, language, religion or lack thereof, or other identity markers.
Member should consciously avoid making assumptions about the gender, sexuality, ethnicity, (dis)ability, or neuro(a)typicality, of other people.
Where unintentional mistakes are made apologise, move on and actively try not to repeat them.
Harassment or bullying are not tolerated.
The validity of other peoples gender and pronouns, or other aspects of their identity, are not up for debate.
Do not “out” of members of the network in relation to any aspect of their identity without consent.
Member must respect the privacy of members and our communications, and therefore must not publish internal or private communication between FGEN members, and publicly ‘out’ other members participation in GEN without consent.
Members should be mindful about commenting upon individual person’s appearance, lifestyle choices and practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, relationships, drugs, and employment.
We ask that you abide by our code of conduct when engaging with the Network at in-person and virtual events and on any of our media and social media platforms.